In the past when I've made an army, I've purchased the majority of the models for a 1500 point force, built them, and then painted a squad or two. I have finished a Night Lords army, an Ork army, a Necron army and an Ultramarines company (the last on commission). The other armies I've started (IG: none, SoB: half, DA: 1 squad, Tau: none, WH: only the Inquisitor, DE: none, Eldar: 1 squad) all end the same way; I get tired of building and then the weight of unfinished models crushes my inspiration. I sell the army and move on.
Not this time, says I. I have no rush to build this army in order to play. I'm taking my time and building a unit and then painting it. It seems to be working, and when I deviated, well I was punished by Him who is venerated by the Pact:
I was taking a break from painting and started work chopping plasticard for the Blood-Pact AT70 when I sliced my finger open.
He cares not from whence the blood flows...
So back to painting, and I realize that I only primed the first 8 models of the squad.
8 is His number...
So the apparently Blessed squad one, mostly finished:
The scout calls a halt.
Grim, my favorite grotesk style.
Grotesk pulled aside. Still need to figure out a good way to paint scars on his face and everyone's hands.
Sarge front and a side shot showing the patina on his holy brass emblem.
Vox operator showing off the handset and the brass-etch bit on his 'caster.
Flame trooper. I had a blast painting those tanks.
Needs painting: RPG team, 1 newly built Blood-Pacter.
Needs building: AT-70 from Leman Russ kit, 9 troopers and 3 heavy teams.