Some glue, some resin shaving and filing and here the rough draft of the
Mortian tank I'll be using as an AT83 Brigand (Leman Russ) for my Blood Pact.
The poll results are in:
AT83 Brigand crew member should be:
The driver.
The Tank Commander, sitting down low.
The Tank commander, sitting up high.
none of the above, you have two more forgeworld tank crew, use them instead!
Votes: 14
Tank commander sitting low is the winner! That was my favorite as well. I'll be working on him and a modified turret hatch for him later. For now, scroll down to see brass etch and lots of tank pr0n. :)
Much fiddling and wondering where to put the stablight and anti-tank mist (Searchlight and smoke launchers. Terminology from
Dan Abnett's books.) I also broke out my
Forgeworld brass-etched sheets I picked up a while back to use on the Blood Pact troopers' shoulders. (Ignore the date stamp, it would seem I am not smarter than my camera.)
Here's a side shot so you can see the brass and other extras. Turret is sporting and Eradicator Cannon and storm bolter.
Oh, did I mention I received a little package from and magnetized it? Here's the side sponson.
My first go at adding stowage. I'm quite proud of finding a place to put the pick and shovel. The tarps and bags don't look half bad either. Pick pic:
Shovel pic: (I love the way the turret chaos star turned out!)
And swapped for sponson.
Taking a break from the Eradicator loadout, we have a closer look at the turret, this time with the Executioner Plasma Cannon.
Demolisher Cannon.
Exterminator Autocannons.
Battlecannon and Vanquisher cannons still need some magnetizing. I also need to build a lascannon and heavy flamer for the front hull mount, as well as plasma and heavy flamer for the sponsons.
It's a good day to play badguys!