AT70 Reaver with stowage, exhausts, engine access and spare fuel tanks added.
Slightly different angle. Fuel tanks made by cutting two pieces of large tubing and cutting four strips of thin sheeting to wrap around them, mimicing the AT83 at the bottom of the page.
With the turret rotated you can see the filled gap between the hull and the engine deck. Use brownstuff instead of greenstuff, as brownstuff can be filed and sanded to smoothness afterwards.
Here you can see how I've used the forgeworld leman russ engine filter to mimic the engine deck of the AT83 Brigand. The engine cover from a leman russ was cut in half and placed to either side with a strip of plasticard placed on the cut side to complete the frame. Rivets to be added.
And here's the size comparison shot which was requested last time. The front of my AT70 still needs detailing, but the aft is done bar the rivets.