I haven't been playing 40k for a few months and each project I start seems tiring. But fear not gentle reader, this is not a complaining blog entry, but a start of something new: square bases. Some friends of mine recently started Warhammer Fantasy (aka stupid square bases) and it looked like something new, something refreshing. The latest edition took away much of what I disliked about the game and so I started looking. Some research and number crunching later I settled on Warriors of Chaos (no surprise there) rather than Vampire Counts because frankly, I want something easy to paint and a hoard army does not fit the bill, even if they are mere skeletons.
Funny enough
this article on Bell of Lost Souls talks about just my predicament. I hope that painting Warriors of Chaos and starting something new will get the ball rolling again and all those languishing projects will once again hope to see the light of day.
I truly am living up to my blog name at this point and so, without further adieu, I give you test scheme A and test scheme B. Please vote for your favorite on the side bar.
I tried to keep it as simple as I could. Scheme A recipe: prime grey, block in gold, red, silver and bone, douse in Devlan Mud.
Scheme A |
Scheme B recipe: Prime White, wash armor with Gryphonne Sepia followed by Devlan mud, wash shoulder-spike, horn caps and axe blade with Badab Black, wash cloak, horns and axe handle with Gryphonne Sepia, wash boots, axe-haft and gloves with Devlan Mud. No paints here!
Scheme B |
Scheme A. |
Scheme B |
Scheme A |
Scheme B |